Thursday 4 September 2008

Ushuaia, last days 1st-4th of September

Well this is my last day here in Ushuaia, tomorrow I am heading over to Punta Arenas in Chile. The bus leaves at stupid a.m (about 5 i think), sothere will be very little sleep for me tonight i think.The main event for this week was that I managed to go snowboarding yesterday. This is one of the few places in the world that you can ski/board within site of the sea. It was again at San Martial, that I walked up to on saturday. Although there is only one chairlift and only one run really, there is lots of opportunity to climb up higher and find some excellent offpiste, which I of course did. I´m afraid there arn´t any photos, but I am in the process of trying to upload a video, which may or may not work. This week there has also been another student in the house, Terresa from Brazil. It has been quite funny to talk to her in Spanish, as it is neither of ours first language, so we both have to struggle to get words out. This evening I am going in to help with some english classes again, which I have already been doing this week. Its quite fun really and it means I get ot talk English without feeling guilty..!

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