Saturday 6 September 2008

Back on the Road, 5th-6th of September

Yep, so i`ve started my long trip back north. This started with a horrifically early bus from Ushuaia (5.30am) to Punta Arenas in Chile. Most of the 12 hour bus journey was actually spent waiting, firstly for the border crossing and then for a ferry to take us across the straights of Magellan to the South American mainland. This of course is the most interesting bit, and the only part I have photos of. I feel I should point out that the minefield is just behind the sign that says `Welcome to Chilian Tierra del Fuego`....After arriving in Punta Arenas it took a while to find a hostel which was actually open. Managed to find a really nice one in the end, with the only other people staying there being a friendly couple from the states (Mike and Cari). I can`t say there is a lot to do in Punta Arenas, although I did find some amusement while waiting for the post office to open (which coincidentally was a rather daft exercise as i hadn`t realised i`d changed timezones!! i know i`m a dafty). anyway there was a small soap opera going on over the street between and elderly street vendor and another elderly guy who obviously wasn`t welcome near the vendor. He would hang out on a corner about 30 yards away, and gradually move ever closer to the vendor. However when got he got about halfway there, the vendor would get out a big stick and chase him off down the road (but this is all done in a rather elderly shuffle like run). This was repeated about 5 times!This afternoon I took the bus to Puerto Natales (still in Chile). From here I have access to the Torres del Paigne national park, which is apparently stunning. I hope to do some hiking in the park in the next week or so. This is also the departure point for the 3 day long ferry to Purto Montt, which I may be taking in the next week or 2. Well that's it for now, i`ll be in touch again soon.

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