Wednesday 17 September 2008

North to Fitzroy (and back) 13-17th September

Well, i`m back in Puerto Natales now after a 5 day jaunt back into Argentina. On Saturday I made it up to El Chalten, a very small town which basically only exists because it sits on the edge of the Fitzroy national park and some of Argentina´s best scenery. So keeping with the general trend of the week I set of on a 9 hour hike through the park, hoping to get some good views of Mount Fitzroy itself. Similar to the Torres in Chile, Fitzroy is basically a huge granite spike, sticking up over 3000m in altitude. Unfortunately this means the top is normally covered in cloud (which is was on Sunday!), so no really fantastic views were had. However I also walked to Laguna Piedros Blancos. which is at the bottom of the Piedros glacier. Quite an amazing place as you have to climb through a moraine field with boulders the size of hours to reach it. Once there you are completely surrounded by huge mountains of moraine and a stunning view of the glacier clinging to the side of the mountain. This of course meant more avalanches and I spent a god hour, watching and waiting for huge chunks of ice to crash hundreds of metres down the mountain. On Monday I took another trek to the Lago Torre, but again views of cerro torre (one of S Americas hardest climbs), was obscured by cloud. After walking 7 out of the last 8 days and having done about 100miles, I was pretty fed up of walking and took the bus back to El Calafate on Monday night.Yesterday I took a trip to Perito Moreno glacier, the only one on the world still advancing. This is really Patagonia`s showpiece glacier and it is pretty damn impressive at 5km wide and oer 30 long. Although having seen a glacier pretty much everyday for a week, i was suffering a little of glacier fatigue.Well today I came back to Puerto Natales as tomorrow I am taking the Navimag ferry to Puerto Montt. It is a cargo/Passenger ferry which takes about 3 days to pass through the hundreds of islands on Patagonia`s west cost up to Puerto Montt. I have h4eard very god things abut it, as long as the weather holds out, otherwise it might be a bit of a seasickness nightmare. I`ll let you know how i get on..

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