Friday 21 November 2008

A few days in Honduras 19th-22nd November

I had quite an epic travel day on Wednesday, leaving from león at 5am. I took a couple of cellectivos, arriving at the border with Honduras about by about 8.30. Then a short bicycle taxi ride across the border and through the surprisingly quick and efficient border formalities. The i jumped straight onto another couple of buses to the capital Tegucigalpa, just making it onto the last bus of the day to la Ceiba on the north coast. I finally arrived after 17&1/2 hours of travel, having pretty much covered the whole width and height of Honduras. The main reason for going to this part of Honduras was to go to the Bay Islands, however i discovered the next morning that this was not going to be so easy. It turns out the ferry they have can´t deal with any kind of rough weather, so it hardly runs at this time of year(although its meant to go twice a day). I decided not to spend a few days waiting for the ferry to depart, and even then risk getting stuck on the islands for possibly a week! I still had the day in La Ceiba though, so i decided to make the most of it even though it was chucking it down with rain. In the morning i went to visit Robert and his collection of butterflies and other insects. Pretty interesting, with over 10,000 specimens. and also lots of live beasties like rhino beetles and tarantulas crawling about, got to feed some Cockroaches to the tarantula too! In the afternoon I went on a rafting trip with a couple of girls form the u.k. Bigger rapids than in Panama as we did up to gradeV, however decided not to run the last rapid, which at the time was running at over VI (i.e. possible death if you flip or fall out). I did manage to fall out once, however the guide also fell out at the same time so I didn´t feel quite so daft about it.Friday morning, brought another incredibly early start (4.14am), to catch the bus to Copan Ruinas close to the border with Guatemala. I didn´t really have time to do much in the afternoon there, so just wandered around town a bit. Next morning I went to visit the ruins themselves. These are a short walk outside of town and are one of the more important Mayan archaeological sites. It doesn´t have the impressive pyramids of Tikal, the site is mainly famous for the various intricate sculptures on the site. They also have a good example of a ´ball court´ where the Mayan played a game in which they had to keep some kind of leather ball in the air. However it was not really a game, as in the end one of the players was sacrificed!In the afternoon I caught a bus over the border into Guatemala and on the to the city of Antigua.

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