Sunday 24 August 2008

Buenos Aires

San Isidro
San Isidro
Traffic lights in Tigre


Well, i´m now in Buenos Aires..but not for long as I will soon be heading off this afternoon. I got here on Thursday and have spent the last few days getting used to being on the road again and trying to explore this city at least a little. Arriving on Thursday morning I was too tired to do much exploring reall, just wandering around near the hostel watching the what seems to the favourite South American past time of blocking the main streets with protests. In the evening there was a bbq in the hostel. Of course this was pretty much entirely just steak, steak and a token bit of salad.Friday was a day for exploring the city (and buying the things that i forgot to bring - charger for ipods etc). I visited the Recoleta graveyard. Basically a huge jumble of tombs, both modern and well kept and also crumbling and ruined. The most famous resident of this graveyard is of course Argentina´s favourite daughter Evita. Later on i went with some friends from the hostel to the Palermo district. Again mainly to eat steak, but also sample some of the Buenos Aires nightlife. I´m not we chose the best of clubs though as they seemed to playing a mix of poor indi rock (with a lead singer who´s lighting technician unfortunately decided to constantly highlight just how shiny his shiny head could be!), and also a very strange guy who pretty much bashed a keyboard with his hands and moaned into his mic something about his Beeeaaby, both with far to much echo effect.Yesterday I again went with friends from the hostel to explore out of the centre of the city. We made it out to one of the outlying rich suburbs called San Isidro, a very nice place to wander and visit the open market. Further out we made it to Tigre, at the junction of several rivers. This is were all of the city folk escape on the weekends and the rivers a are clogged with pleasure boats and hundreds of loads of rowing boats all jostling for space. Today I head to Ushuaia,right down at the southern tip of Argentina . From what i´ve heard it sounds like a pretty stunning place, but I will let you know in due course. O

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